

We have made many resources about India for educators to use when teaching about 'All Things Indian'. The Indian themed flashcards, display words and classroom display banners have been given a time saving double mounted effect, which will also save on your educational supplies. The 'India' themed page borders would be very useful for any Indian themed literacy writing. We hope you find the below 'India' resources both time saving and useful.



A4 sheet with a Indian themed border - no lines. Add your own text in the editable version.

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A4 sheet with a Indian themed border - narrow lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

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A4 sheet with a Indian themed border - wide lines. One fully lined and one half lined.

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Double mounted effect India themed display words.

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Double mounted effect border, 'India' display banner. 2 X A4 sheets.

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Double mounted effect 'India' flashcards. Add /edit text in the editable version of this learning resource.

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