Farm Animals Themed Resources

Farm Animals Themed Resources

To support learning through the topic ' Farm Animals', we have made many printables for educators to use when teaching about a pig, goat, cow, calf etc, to children in primary and elementary schools. The farm yard animal themed posters, flashcards and display words have been given a time saving double mounted effect, which will also save on your school stationary. Many of the farm animal resources below, have editable versions to enable you to convert the resource into your chosen font / language. These editable resources are great to use, especially if you teach abroad. We also have farm animal matching cards and 'Going on a Hunt' worksheet which are great to help motivate children and keep them busy. To go with this topic, we have provided a fab farm small world scene with cut and stick images to accompany it. Our Farm Shop role play resources will help brighten up any role play area.


The mathematical symbols; add, subtract, divide, multiply and equals are displayed clearly on rabbit images. 

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Rabbit themed number shapes 0 to 10 matching cards. 4 x A4 landscape sheets.

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Six A4 portrait ICT Area EYFS Challenge Cards per download. This set of Farm Animal Challenge Cards can also be placed in a Creative/Drawing Area in any EYFS learning environment.

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Farm Animal themed display letters, Symbols and Characters on a Word document.

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