'The Celts' Resources

'The Celts' Resources

 The Celts were people who lived in Europe over 2000 years ago. As the Celts is a very popular yet under resourced area of history, we have made many Celtic resources. We have tried to cover as many areas of Celtic life as possible when putting together the following primary teaching resources. The ‘Celtic’ themed flashcards, display words and key topic words poster have been given a time saving double mounted effect. We have also made pupil worksheets, such as acrostic poems and a word search.



Celts themed A4 word mat.

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Celts themed A4 portrait Acrostic Poem Sheet.

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Double mounted effect Celt display words. 

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Sixteen Celt related words in a A4  word search format. Teacher answer sheet also provided.

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Double mounted effect 'Celts' themed flashcards 3 per A4 sheet.

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Double mounted effect Celts themed 3 x A4 poster.

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