As the biggest provider of self-esteem education in the world, Dove believes that no young person should be held back from reaching their full potential. But in the UK, 9 out of every 10 girls with low body esteem put their health at risk by not seeing a doctor or skipping meals.

Help us combat this by building positive body confidence and self-esteem through the Dove Self-Esteem Project. Running globally since 2014, the Dove-Self Esteem Project has been written by education experts. The resources are easy-to-use by teachers or parents both in school and at home. They are proven to have a positive impact on young people’s self-esteem.

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The Amazing Me primary resource covers two topics – Body Confidence and Bullying and Teasing:

Body Confidence – Focusing on confronting comparisons and building body confidence. This topic includes lessons on appearance ideals in the media, body talk, competing and comparing looks, and positive thoughts. Packs include:

  • Body Confidence Lessons – a five-lesson series of lesson plans.
  • Body Confidence Bundle – a three-session pack including lesson plan and PowerPoint with virtual delivery options.

Bullying and Teasing – Focusing on the effects of bullying and teasing on body confidence. This topic includes lessons on weight-based bullying, media influences, your school’s bullying policy, and how to deal with bullying using practical strategies. Packs include:

  • Bullying and Teasing Lessons – a five-lesson series of lesson plans.
  • Bullying and Teasing Bundle – a three-session pack including lesson plan and PowerPoint with virtual delivery options.


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Every young person deserves to grow up feeling confident about themselves. These flexible resources help young people build self-esteem and confidence in themselves. Use Amazing Me to support your pupils today

